Friday Afternoon Links
Assorted content to end your week.- Nathan Tankus examines the risk that the Trump regime can arbitrarily steal money from American bank accounts. Roy Edroso discusses how Republicans are pushing…
Assorted content to end your week.- Nathan Tankus examines the risk that the Trump regime can arbitrarily steal money from American bank accounts. Roy Edroso discusses how Republicans are pushing…
There seems to be a general (and rightful) consensus that Elon Musk's demand to eliminate all regulations as a baseline position is high on the list of his unauthorized plans,…
Assorted content to start your week.- Jessica Wildfire discusses how the Trump/Musk administration is meeting or exceeding the most damning predictions, while Ian Dunt points out the similar pattern following…
American voters foolishly chose a fascist dictator for their President, and now everyone is going to suffer. The Orange Menace is attacking Canada, and others, so we’ll have to retaliate.…
Miscellaneous material to end your week.- Michael Harris discusses how Donald Trump's taking power has reordered Canadian politics. But lest we be too confident of a united front in responding…
Here we are, on the eve of the US President economically attacking his country’s closest trading partner and ally with the world’s longest undefended border. The Orange Menace aims to…
This and that for your Tuesday reading.- Paul Krugman discusses the importance of calling out misinformation rather than downplaying or legitimizing it - especially when it's being sprayed around by…
Miscellaneous material to start your week.- Julia Kollewe reports on Oxfam's latest data on inequality showing that the wealth of billionaires grey by over two trillion dollars in 2024, with…
This and that for your Thursday reading.- Sandra Laville reports on a new actuarial study showing that the shocks expected on our existing path of climate breakdown could result in…
Jagmeet Singh has taken comfortably to the task to dealing with the economic aspects of the new Trump administration - both in pressing other leaders on their determination to respond…
This and that for your Tuesday reading.- Eric Holthaus warns that the escalation of temperatures in 2024 threatens to lay the groundwork for much worse to come. And Virgina Iglesias…
Assorted content to start your week.- John Vaillant discusses how California's wildfires are just the most prominent recent example of how we're getting burned by relying on fossil fuels, while…
In 1972 the world respected Club of Rome issued it’s report, Limits to Growth which concluded: Conclusions After reviewing their computer simulations, the research team came to the following conclusions:: 23–24 …
Assorted content to start your week.- Marc Elias explores what it means to worry that "we're on our own" in the face of a fascist government and crumbling institutions -…
I swore I was going to put politics aside in the run up to Christmas, but when the latest screed from Free Alberta Strategy dropped into my inbox, I had…
Miscellaneous material to start your week.- Sarah Kendzior writes about the replacement of shared culture with corporate-funded propaganda - and the need to maintain focus on the bigger-picture fight to…
Assorted content to end your week.- Michael Harris offers some lessons about the U.S.' values based on this week's election results. Rebecca Solnit opines that the largest failing of American…
Was the 2024 US Presidential election irrelevant? Yes and no. If Trump and Kennedy do end the war in Ukraine, as promised, that will be a giant victory, because it…
This and that for your Tuesday reading.- Will Hutton discusses how the growing gap between the rich and everybody else is eating away at Britain's collective well-being, while Phillip Inman…
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading.- Jeremy Hsu discusses how people massively underestimate the disproportionate climate damage done by the uber-wealthy. Mark Fawcett-Atkinson notes that the dirty energy industry is…