
On governance: (1) Principles

How should we govern ourselves? Since Locke's Second Treatise, the presumption has been in favour of self-government -- that is, each individual adult person has the natural right to govern…

Turn A Page

The contemptible actions of the Harper government have reaped a little more protest in the chambers of Parliament. A few years ago it was a Gallery protest in the House…

A Memo to David Akin

On the Hill: Memo to Brigette: There are no shortcuts in politics. It takes long, dull, dreary work Everything you argue is based on the premise that political activity…

Democracy in America

Another day, another nadir of utter stupidity… “This is what democracy looks like,” the dancing assclowns shouted in defense of their right to behave like jackals at public memorial sites.…

Scheer Success

Andrew Scheer has been elected House of Commons Speaker. I met him in 2004, when we were federal candidates in adjacent Regina ridings. I was the no-shot NDP candidate against…

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