Andrew Scheer and the $700,000 Question
For days Andrew Scheer was able to dodge reporters, who wanted to ask him about this potentially explosive, Con on Con probe. The Conservative governing body is asking why the…
For days Andrew Scheer was able to dodge reporters, who wanted to ask him about this potentially explosive, Con on Con probe. The Conservative governing body is asking why the…
It's a truly bizarre situation. After two years of assaulting the eyes and ears of Canadians with one depraved attack ad after the other, Andrew Scheer has gone silent.He's disappeared…
Once upon a time Andrew Scheer's Twitter feed pumped out a grotesque anti-Trudeau attack ad about every six hours, seven days a week.But now that torrent of Con diarrhoea has…
Andrew Scheer tried so hard to look like a winner, instead of a sad loser.He vowed to continue as if he hadn't lost the election. He vowed to lead the…
Ever since Justin Trudeau became Liberal leader the grubby Cons have been trying to smear him in the most vile manner.Stephen Harper did his best to debase him by claiming…
Andrew Scheer took Sunday off, no doubt to try to calm his shattered nerves. Discuss the state of the Con campaign with his ex-Rebel MiniMe Hamish Marshall.And of course, figure…
As we all know, Andrew Scheer likes to sniff for fake scandals like a hog sniffs for truffles.And for a very simple reason, he has nothing else, no policies, no…
A few months ago, I questioned whether Tony Clement was the right Con to go after Liberal scandals, considering how many scandals he had in his past.Like the way he…
I guess the look on Doug Ford's face says it all. He doesn't seem to know what's happening, or what he's supposed to say. Except maybe, who knew it was…
As I'm sure you can imagine, it wasn't Andrew Scheer's best Halloween ever. He's looking a little ragged these days. The creepy smile is gone, he's angry and desperate.He's been…
Who can forget the way the Cons tried to steal the last election?Who can forget how Pierre Poilievre tried to suppress the vote with his so-called Fair Elections Act?Well it…
With only three days to go before the Ontario election, Doug Ford's Team Harper's handlers have been taking no chances.Keeping him in a bubble most of the day, lest he…
As we all know, Andrew Scheer has been trying to keep the fake India story alive long after it rolled over and died.And recently even disrupted our parliament with an…
For months the ghastly Con clown Pierre Poilievre has been going after Justin Trudeau for daring to take a vacation on the Aga Khan's island.And accusing him of acting unethically,…
Ever since he became leader Andrew Scheer has been able to avoid the ghastly legacy of Stephen Harper and his Con regime.The leader and the regime he served so faithfully.But…
I know the Mike Duffy trial seems like ancient history now, and I can hardly remember the details of the case.Except that the wrong man was put on trial. The…
The other day I said that I had been struck by the strange way Rona Ambrose had been behaving. How she had practically gone to ground.After accusing Justin Trudeau of…
It was for me the burning question at the heart of the Mike Duffy scandal. The one that never got answered.Why did the RCMP charge Duffy with bribery, and not…
I've always thought that Jason Kenney was a bit of a snake oil salesman.For what else can explain that after spending twenty years in Ottawa he should think he's the…
I've always thought that Jason Kenney was a bit of a snake oil salesman.For what else can explain that after spending twenty years in Ottawa he should think he's the…