city planning

Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Heidi Ledford discusses new research which is helping to identify genetic risk factors for long COVID – though the fact that new COVID-19…

Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Michael Marshall discusses the growing body of knowledge about the persistence of long COVID – with people still suffering symptoms after a year…

Sunday Morning Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – The Canadian Press reports that the Ford PCs’ COVID negligence includes shutting down a rapid test program still distributing hundreds of thousands…

Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Madhukar Pai and Manu Prakash discuss how artificially limited vaccination is allowing COVID variants to get the jump on any attempt to protect…

Monday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Jonathan Howard writes that the recognition of higher COVID-19 risks in adults has been used as a means of misleadingly minimizing the risks…

Thursday Afternoon Links

This and that for your Thursday reading. – Peter Beaumont reports on the World Health Organization’s warning that the premature lifting of COVID-19 restrictions does nothing but put people at…

Sunday Afternoon Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – John Michael McGrath highlights how the COVID-19 B.1.617 variant represents a serious threat to the prospect of safely relaxing restrictions over the…

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Naomi Klein highlights how capital and power combine to turn disasters into profit-making opportunities – while noting that the Trump presidency is just…

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