Why it’s not safe to snuggle with a Gila Monster, or, the life of Jim Fowler
Jim Fowler died at the age of eighty-nine, quietly, in his home in Connecticut. I only learned this sad news yesterday, though he died in… The post Why it’s not…
Jim Fowler died at the age of eighty-nine, quietly, in his home in Connecticut. I only learned this sad news yesterday, though he died in… The post Why it’s not…
Time travel has been on been on my mind lately, and in that context, nostalgia. As someone who meditates, and who, at one point, was… The post Time travel is…
If you’ve seen the movie Moulin Rouge (2001), then no doubt you’re expecting an extravagant, musical story about this evening. Let me set you straight:… The post Formidable! My Night…
Stephen Fry just left Twitter, moments before I started writing this. As recently as a few weeks ago, I would have thought this would be… The post The Dumpster Fire…
There I was, on stage, leading the entire audience and cast in a barn-burning, Christ-crunching rendition of Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. It… Continue ReadingWhat is dark comedy…
I’m not entirely sure I agree with my literary patronus on this one, but there is something to be learned from the quote. I DO… Continue ReadingBiggest laughs… The post…
I had this friend who was obsessed with having a monkey tail grafted to his ass. Actually, to call him a friend is stretching the truth. Toulouse was more of…
Full quote: I notice that you use plain, simple language, short words and brief sentences. That is the way to write English – it is… Continue ReadingTwain edits The post…
Dear Boris Johnson’s Hair, It’s really not going very well, is it? But it’s not your fault. It really isn’t. In the history of British… Continue ReadingAn Open Letter to…
After the success of Count Chocula, Boo-berry and Frankenberry, cereal executives everywhere were on the look out for new Halloween-themed cereals. Alas, these never made it to market, though the…
“I swear to God, I never thought the cyborg-monkeys would betray us.” Alltop wouldn’t survive even the robo-bees stage.
The caption is perfect if you imagine it being narrated by Werner Herzog. Herzog continues to read: “The orange sky, like the creeping shadows that threaten to engulf our fictional…
Sugar Krinkles: so you have the energy to run from psychotic clowns! Things that make him extra scary: tiny hat suspiciously perfect teeth he’s wearing someone else’s face he painted…
“Can’t sleep, clown will eat me.” –Bart Simpson I always used to think one of the silliest phobias was coulrophobia — the fear of clowns — until I saw this…
This song is based on a poem by the Greek poet, Constantine P. Cavafy. His source material was a story from Plutarch about Mark Anthony, as he watched his allies…
Reagan did a lot of this during the Reykjavík Summit with Gorbachev, but it was part of his strategy. He was TRYING to make Gorby and the Russians think he…
Angry monkey with a chaingun. I’ve been there. Alltop would never give a weapon to a lower primate. From Otipess.
Nine charming quotes about writing
Quite often I find that when writers write about writing (yes, I just did that) the advice is prescriptive, and so, useless. These folks, however,… The post Nine charming quotes…