Striving for Mediocrity
On a council laden with dunces, deadwood, and dullards, it must be some consolation to our elected representatives, that they can at least claim to be less mediocre than Councillor…
On a council laden with dunces, deadwood, and dullards, it must be some consolation to our elected representatives, that they can at least claim to be less mediocre than Councillor…
Assorted content to end your week. – Sam Gindin discusses the future of labour organizing in the course of reviewing Jane McAlevey’s No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New…
A few days ago I wrote a post pointing out that our ghastly regime had failed to say a word about Saudi Arabia's savage flogging of the blogger Raif Badawi.After…
Yesterday he declared that an "international jihadist movement" had declared war on Canada.And claimed that only he could save us.But who will save us from his good friends the Saudis?…
Assorted content to end your week. – Don Pittis makes the case for a guaranteed annual income on economic and social grounds: The young would be some of the biggest…
Richard Hughes-Political Blogger Lead CBC News story the other day told that an Israeli soldier had been killed and the Palestinian’s continue to fire rockets. They eventually got to the…
The official word has come from the LPC: bloggers will be accredited to the Convention, and they are inviting applications for accreditation. Since they’ve sent out a press release, and…
LONDON, Ontario (The Skwib) — The web is still reeling from the revelation that a blogger has been pondering things instead of musing about them. “Yeah, I’ve spent a lot…
Assorted content to start your week. – Frances Russell discusses the dangers of Stephen Harper’s authoritarian democracy. And Michael Harris takes note of Harper’s decision to mete out career executions…
This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Michael Harris offers a theory for the Cons’ handling of the Clusterduff – from their willingness to pay him off to their…
Only 8 – EIGHT! – days until the 2013 Ontario Liberal Party leadership convention in Toronto, & I’m in organized chaos mode trying to figure out payments, fundraising, travel, &…
If this is accurate and the Ontario Libs are going to make it prohibitively difficult for bloggers to attend their leadership convention, then they are dumber than I thought. Really?…
Perhaps I should feel honoured that I continue to make a cameo appearance in prolific scribe Mitch Kowalski’s Twitter profile photo. (And I sort of do). Still, I have to…
Fern Hill is frustrated at how political reporters have tried to make a non-story out of the #denounceharper hashtag which trended globally yesterday as Twitter users took the opportunity to…
Miscellaneous material for your Saturday reading. – As much sympathy as I normally have for Linda McQuaig, I’ll argue that her premise in discussing Andrea Horwath’s call for the wealthy…
I do enjoy reading the differerent blog posts on the Progessive Bloggers aggregate. There are a diversity of opinions expressed by bloggers who post under the progressive label. Bloggers include…
I do enjoy reading the differerent blog posts on the Progessive Bloggers aggregate. There are a diversity of opinions expressed by bloggers who post under the progressive label. Bloggers include…
I do enjoy reading the differerent blog posts on the Progessive Bloggers aggregate. There are a diversity of opinions expressed by bloggers who post under the progressive label. Bloggers include…
Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Alison draws the links between Robocon and an American firm proud of its efforts in some of the Republicans’ most odious causes, while…
Assorted content to end your week. – Jeffrey Simpson compliments the NDP’s leadership contenders for dealing with the issue of inequality, but rightly notes there’s a long way left to…