
Monday Morning Links

Assorted content to start your week. – Frances Russell discusses the dangers of Stephen Harper’s authoritarian democracy. And Michael Harris takes note of Harper’s decision to mete out career executions…

Convention countdown!

Only 8 – EIGHT! – days until the 2013 Ontario Liberal Party leadership convention in Toronto, & I’m in organized chaos mode trying to figure out payments, fundraising, travel, &…

Bloggers not welcome?

If this is accurate and the Ontario Libs are going to make it prohibitively difficult for bloggers to attend their leadership convention, then they are dumber than I thought. Really?…

On open channels

Fern Hill is frustrated at how political reporters have tried to make a non-story out of the #denounceharper hashtag which trended globally yesterday as Twitter users took the opportunity to…

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Alison draws the links between Robocon and an American firm proud of its efforts in some of the Republicans’ most odious causes, while…

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes