New Affiliate: Political Potshots joins us.
We’d like to welcome Political Potshots as a new affiliate to Progressive Bloggers. If you’re on Twitter, you might recognize the blog owner: “Neil Before Zod” – he can be…
We’d like to welcome Political Potshots as a new affiliate to Progressive Bloggers. If you’re on Twitter, you might recognize the blog owner: “Neil Before Zod” – he can be…
First of all: Happy New Year 2017 to all of my readers. Secondly, thanks to Warren for his nice shout-out to me (and to other long-time bloggers) as proof that…
Briefly – a couple of updates. THe Brantford Coldest Night of The Year Walk in Brantford went very well. Our team Red Warmth (Captained by Danielle Takacs, my good friend…
Today is a pretty neat day – I’ll be in Toronto gathering with some of our blogging afffiliates past and present to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Progressive Bloggers…
You may not have caught this from CalgaryGrit, aka Dan Arnold, so I’ll post a link to it and briefly mention that he is taking a hiatus from regular blogging…
My long time blogging colleague will apparently be acclaimed in that riding on May 7th for the OLP, and like BigCityLib, I am very pleased to see and hear this.…
It seems a fair number of bloggers, or former bloggers, are deciding to try going from their grass/netroots activism and translate that into trying to get elected to office to…
The official word has come from the LPC: bloggers will be accredited to the Convention, and they are inviting applications for accreditation. Since they’ve sent out a press release, and…
It appears to be the week Liberal political bloggers have decided to make the jump from blogging into running for office. This time, it’s Nancy Leblanc, who has been a…
A brief blogpost on this day to wish my old blogging colleague and fellow Liberal, Jason Cherniak, the best of luck as he runs for the Liberal nomination in Aurora-Oak…
Well, it’s a quiet weekend, so I’ll just mention in brief that Jim Calder and I have settled on a date for me to come collect on my winning the…
Stephen Taylor probably won’t be happy. The Ottawa Citizen’s Glen Megregor, said this on Twitter this AM about his collective of Conservative bloggers: “Have you seen Fringe cranks are…
Well, the Ontario legislature resumes sitting today. You’ll note in the story about it this morning in the Toronto Star that there is not a single mention of PC Leader…
The Blogging Alliance of Non-Partisan Canadians (BANPC for short) was started in April 2005, 3 months before Progressive Bloggers started. It may be the 2nd oldest blogging aggregator currently out…
There were a lot of other LPC leadership contenders I’d have thought would concede the race a lot sooner then Marc Garneau did – those folks who didn’t even have…
I had an email from the Liberal Party of Canada arrive in my mailbox today to those “independent bloggers” who expressed interested in covering the event. Basically, it confirmed that’s…
– It was a historic event for Kathleen Wynne being sworn in as the first female Premier. A pity that a lot of the MP’s decided not to attend. The…
I’ve been told that by a good source -in his words: I’m told bloggers can use the media inquiry page to register for the showcase (Ed Note: the April 6…
I got the questions finished last night and have submitted them to people I know on 4 of the campaigns: George Takach, Marc Garneau, Deborah Coyne and Joyce Murray. I’m…
SO after a successful OLP Convention where several bloggers were accredited (and others were blogging as delegates and alternates), here’s a brief look ahead at where I hope to be…