Is Vic Toews Out of Control?
As you know I have long been concerned about the mental state of the Con zombie Vic Toews. And whether he’s fit to remain in office. First he came crawling…
As you know I have long been concerned about the mental state of the Con zombie Vic Toews. And whether he’s fit to remain in office. First he came crawling…
In another sign just how dangerous to freedom and the American way Rick Santorum really is, this statement from the presidential contender should send chills down one’s spine. Current federal…
by Katitza Rodriguez | EFF Last Saturday, the Canadian government announced it would put proposed online surveillance legislation temporarily “on pause” following sustained public outrage generated by the bill. Since…
LOLROFLMAO. This AR poll is the highlight of my week so far – which just started, mind you – because its just awesome. As reported by HuffPo, the poll shows…
Uh oh. Con Zombie Alert. I see Vic Toews is going after Justin Trudeau. An angry Vic Toews wants an investigation into whether Justin Trudeau encouraged personal Twitter attacks against…
Although the government appears to be backing off from introducing their intrusive new internet snooping/spying/sticking-their-noses-in-the-citizens’-private-business bill, today Anonymous once again takes to YouTube to speak for angry Canuckistanian web surfers…
Anonymous threatens once again a big scoop on Toews, this time to be unveiled a week from yesterday. Is Anonymous bluffing? I doubt it.
From the proposed online snooping legislation Bill C-30 to the burgeoning scandal involving over some 10 million fraudulent phone calls made during the last federal election in 2011 by a…
Scary stuff found in Section 34 of Bill C-30, courtesy of Terry Mileski of CBC: Section 33 tells us that, ‘The Minister may designate persons or classes of persons as…
Vic Toews, you were warned!: (Text pasted here.) Oh wow. I didn’t know the mistress was snorting and scarfing at the Public Trough right alongside her Viagra-starched paramour, but am…
Gay Canadian comedian, television personality, political satirist, and blogger, Rick Mercer, addresses Public Safety Minister Vic Toews’s proposed Internet-surveillance legislation, Bill C-30, in a brilliant, two-minute video rant. A must…
Actually, it’s not quite the National Post, despite some saying that. It’s actually one of their op-eds calling for the resignation. Still, I think that’s the first call I’ve seen…
In my opinion Tim Harper, a Star columnist with whom I tend to agree more often than disagree, misses the mark with his latest piece. Entitled A mean town just…
During question period in the Canadian House of Commons on Friday (February 17), Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird accused the opposition National Democratic Party (NDP) of having been caught…
In this Postmedia piece, the writer Jeff Davis bends over backwards to make Anonymous look as if they are sending ‘threats’ Mr. Toews’ way, an implication that in most peoples’…
There is a great site called 404 Systems Error, that functions much like Wikileaks, though with Canadian content. They have recently posted an old fundraising letter of Stephen Harper’s from…
“Vic Toews and his ridiculous moustache fucked me. He makes Peter Kent look like Einstein.” H/T: @TabithaSouthey
I’ve been watching Anonymous as it has taken on the US right-wing bully pulpit. I’ve been wondering too where is our Anonymous in Canada? In a country being overtaken by…
An excellent video (special thanks to The Tyee where I found this video) with experts in the field of privacy, ethics, surveillance and technology. Enjoy Filed under: Harper Government, Progressives…
This week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews, attacked the Internet and Canadians through Bill C-30. He insulted Canadians, and threatened their right to online privacy and…