racist bus ad in mississauga, part two: we win!
Remember this? I wrote about this here. Thanks to the tireless efforts of my comrade Peter, we were able to organize the requisite five complaints needed to trigger a City…
Remember this? I wrote about this here. Thanks to the tireless efforts of my comrade Peter, we were able to organize the requisite five complaints needed to trigger a City…
The San Francisco Giants are the first major sports team to make an It Gets Better video in support of LGBT youth and the anti-bullying campaign. The Giants produced the…
I’m constantly impressed with the caliber of community cooperation in Vancouver. The Positive Women’s Network is holding a film screening fundraiser on May 26th at 7pm at Vancity Theatre. VIFF…
Teh church haz it, & iz desperately trying 2 dress it up as legitimate psychotherapy.Gotta love the self-fulfilling prophecy of shaming LGBTs as being pathological while simultaneously citing the shame…