Bolsheviki by David Fennario
Read this play last night – brilliant, classic Fennario. Having grown up in the Verdun/Point area his characters tend to send shivers down my spine in their uncanny familiarity and…
Read this play last night – brilliant, classic Fennario. Having grown up in the Verdun/Point area his characters tend to send shivers down my spine in their uncanny familiarity and…
Had the pleasure once again of seeing Dan Bern in person at Turbo Haus in Saint Henri on Saturday. He played this song and I was stunned as I consider…
Cool book I found at the library last week. Animals With Sharpies by Michael Dumontier and Neil Farber. And you can order a copy here if you do not object…
Excellent street photographer who works for social change. Urban Voice Youth Photographic Project is a program that gives an artistic voice to underprivileged youth by teaching them basic photography skills.…
Probably the most important essay I have ever read in terms of becoming an artist, and understanding the political and art historical aspects of Photography. “ The uniqueness of a…
Having previously photographed ritual objects and burial sites of the Uyghur people of Western China in the series, Living Shrines, she has created a new series that documents the surprising…
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; © 1953, 2012 Allen Ginsberg LLC. All rights reserved.William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac, photographed by Allen Ginsberg in his East Village living room,…