Eerily Prescient
This is what former Supreme Court Justice David Souter said four years ago. I think you will quickly see the reason for the post’s title: Recommend this Post
This is what former Supreme Court Justice David Souter said four years ago. I think you will quickly see the reason for the post’s title: Recommend this Post
Reading my morning paper, the Toronto Star, I came across a notice to subscribers that rates are once again increasing. As part of what is frequently referred to as their…
Over at Northern Reflections today, Owen has a timely reminder via Henry Giroux of what Donald Trump really stands for: fascism, hatred, bigotry and exclusion. I noted in my response…
While the woman in the above photo, Birgitt Peterson, claims she was provoked and that her salute has been misinterpreted, and a right-wing site offers a lamentably lame spin on…
Watch as Rachel Maddow traces the evolution of violence in the Trump campaign, aided, abetted and encouraged by the demagogue himself:Recommend this Post
That does seem to be the attitude of Mr. Trump's ardent supporters, doesn't it?Recommend this Post
Synonym Discussion of equivocatelie, prevaricate, equivocate, palter, fib mean to tell an untruth. lie is the blunt term, imputing dishonesty . prevaricate softens the bluntness of lie by implying quibbling…
Does the eagle know something that Donald Trump's ardent supporters appear willing to ignore?Recommend this Post