DTES LAP Part 3- Residents’ Losses & small victories
…Councillor Adriane Carr was the only one who wanted to refer the plan back to staff to ensure an acceptable definition of Social Housing (due date for end of May).…
…Councillor Adriane Carr was the only one who wanted to refer the plan back to staff to ensure an acceptable definition of Social Housing (due date for end of May).…
Chinatown Businesses interests came into the room hesitant. I don’t think any of the mainstream news media (Vancouver Courier or the Straight) did justice to the hesitance … I am…
…One topic that dominated the DTES LAP discussions last night was the 60/40 (Social/ market rate housing split) and the definition of affordable housing … All the usual suspects always…
This morning, I had to control my urge to laugh while reading: Affordable Housing Canada: Housing Boom, Government Cutbacks Create ‘Rent Squeeze’ by Rachel Mendleson in HuffPost Oct 4, 2012…
Today is the first day of the rest of COPE Vancouver’s life. Today is the day where the new executive needs to make its first priority revitalizing the party by…
The Platform of the Socialist Party of OntarioOur Vision:The Socialist Party of Ontario believes that the labour power and natural resources of a society should be used in an ecologically…
Proposed by Andy Lehrer, TorontoDate: 25/05/11A Resolution Regarding the EnvironmentWhereas climate change is a growing threat to survival on the planet.Whereas capitalism provides no viable or sustainable solutions to the…
New York-based writer Felice Cohen lives in an amazingly small apartment -- 90 sq.ft. to be exact. Since it was profiled in the Daily Mail, this video of her micro-abode…
In December 2007, at the height of Calgary’s housing crunch, a report emerged from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation that confirmed what many had long suspected: the cost of…
Can ya believe it? When the B.C. NDP were last in power they were building 1,2oo units of affordable housing a year. What’s the number now…close to zilch? Retarded Martha…