Deep thought

I'm sure it's utterly preposterous to even suggest that it's theoretically possible that the Harper Cons might want to torch public money just for the sake of torching public money.

Saturday News Smash-Up

Sorry about my absence for the last five days, but I've been going to "school" and attempting to learn basic Spanish. Suffice to say, yo no hablo espanol, pero poco…

Saturday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your weekend reading.- Janice Kennedy highlights the consequences of turning back the clock 80 years when it comes to collective bargaining rights:In the world of Stephen Harper…

More on the AECL farce

From the smart folks at Enviralment:Montreal-based engineering firm SNC-Lavalin has begrudgingly stepped up to buy the commercial arm of the crown corporation. The firm is no stranger to CANDU technology,…

$15 million for AECL

"Ottawa sells AECL to SNC-Lavalin." The federal government is selling Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.’s Candu division for $15-million and future royalties, after pouring billions of dollars into the troubled…

On selloffs

Sure, it takes some effort to pull a sweetheart deal out of the wreckage of AECL. But we probably shouldn't be surprised that the Cons seem to have pulled off…

More Nuke News

Not a lot of people liking President O’s greenwashing of nukes. This most excellent article in the Guardian dispels the myth that nukes are green. The argument that nuclear is…

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