Ranked Balloting (Toronto) Primer: This Needs to Happen
In 2013, City Council voted 25-16 in favour of a motion that (among other things) asked the province to implement legislation authorizing ranked balloting (or “instant runoff voting” – IRV)…
In 2013, City Council voted 25-16 in favour of a motion that (among other things) asked the province to implement legislation authorizing ranked balloting (or “instant runoff voting” – IRV)…
In 2013, City Council voted 25-16 in favour of a motion that (among other things) asked the province to implement legislation authorizing ranked balloting (or "instant runoff voting" - IRV)…
In 2013, City Council voted 25-16 in favour of a motion that (among other things) asked the province to implement legislation authorizing ranked balloting (or “instant runoff voting” – IRV)…
The recent switch of Doug for Rob in the Mayor’s race, and Rob for Michael in the Ward 2 race is in a sense shocking, but not surprising. Speculation about…
The recent switch of Doug for Rob in the Mayor’s race, and Rob for Michael in the Ward 2 race is in a sense shocking, but not surprising. Speculation about…
The recent switch of Doug for Rob in the Mayor's race, and Rob for Michael in the Ward 2 race is in a sense shocking, but not surprising. Speculation about…
SmartTrack: Politician designed transit works surprisingly well…for politicians To recap: John Tory has centred his Mayoral campaign on a promise to build a heavy surface rail (he calls “surface subway”)…
SmartTrack: Politician designed transit works surprisingly well…for politicians To recap: John Tory has centred his Mayoral campaign on a promise to build a heavy surface rail (he calls “surface subway”)…
SmartTrack: Politician designed transit works surprisingly well...for politicians To recap: John Tory has centred his Mayoral campaign on a promise to build a heavy surface rail (he calls "surface subway")…
How did we let our bus fleet get into this bad a shape and why is Chow the only “major” candidate proposing anything to fix it? The Toronto Star has…
How did we let our bus fleet get into this bad a shape and why is Chow the only “major” candidate proposing anything to fix it? The Toronto Star has…
How did we let our bus fleet get into this bad a shape and why is Chow the only "major" candidate proposing anything to fix it? The Toronto Star has…
There’s still some confusion about this. Ford is the incumbent. He has as close to 100% name recognition and voter awareness as any politician can possibly attain. Short of people…
There's still some confusion about this. Ford is the incumbent. He has as close to 100% name recognition and voter awareness as any politician can possibly attain. Short of people…
There’s still some confusion about this. Ford is the incumbent. He has as close to 100% name recognition and voter awareness as any politician can possibly attain. Short of people…