2012 US Presidential Election

Santorum’s House of Fear

That dull roar you hear is the sound of All The Internets laughing uproariously at Rick Santorum’s new, desperately dramatic campaign commercial, “Obamaville”, a glimpse at America’s dystopian future under…

Submitted without (much) comment

Because sometimes there’s just no comment I could possibly *come* up with that would provide adequate snarkification. From Rick Santorum’s website, what is presumably a money raising promotion with the…


A leftover from the other night that was screaming to get out of the hopper: Who could blame CNN for making this mistake during their coverage of the Iowa Caucus…

Who let the dogs in??

The GOP Primary Reality Clown Show has packed up its balloons and clown shoes and fart whistles and red foam noses and is headed for New Hampshire after a terrifying…

She must have been lonely

…and wanted a visit from some of those hunky Secret Service dudes: Hours after Pennsylvania State Police arrested a 21-year-old Idaho man for allegedly firing a semi-automatic rifle at the…

Cain Train derailed

From the “In What Will Come As No Surprise to Anyone” files, GOP presidential primary contender, pizzamonger and inveterate skirt-chaser extraordinaire Herman Cain has left the building: Republican presidential candidate…

Comment of the day

The laughfest known as “the Tea Party Republican Debate” continues apace. Candidate Michelle Bachmann was in especially fine form last night, hinting darkly at horrible side effects from the cancer-preventative…


I realize this video clip of GOP contender Rick Perry at the candidates’ debate has already gone a bit viral, but it’s so creepy and sick and weird that I…

Scary Perry

The feverish madness of USian politics continues apace, entertaining as usual. If you thought the GOP couldn’t possibly come up with a goofier presidential candidate than CrazyEyes, you’d be wrong.…

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