2012 U.S. Election

Who is Saul Alinsky?

Nice to see Chris Matthews (and others) tackle Newt Gringrich’s puzzling obsession with Saul Alinsky. Turns out, just like so many other weird fixations of the deranged right-wing, to be…

Blood Money

The SuperPAC supporting (but definitely not co-ordinating with!) Newt Gringrich yesterday released another negative “documentary” attacking Mitt Romney. Called “Blood Money” the film links the former head of Bain Capital…

Damn the Paulbots!

As much as I agree with many of Ron Paul’s principled stances on various issues, I just cannot stand the cult of over-zealous fanatics that support him… Despite all evidence,…

Proud to be Grandiose

Neat little mock ad from the folks at BuzzFeed pivoting off the accusation that Newt Gringrich is “grandiose”… It’s actually not surprising in the least that Newt would so readily…

To the Moon, Alice!

It’s beyond absurd that alleged “small government” Republicans are adamantly opposed to “wasting” taxpayer dollars on doing much of anything that would repair the basic elements of America’s crumbling infrastructure…

Mitt’s SOTU Rebuttal

Inveterate flip-flopper and political windsock Mitt Romney criticizes Obama for his “extraordinary… detachment from reality” in terms of his words and actions; all the while being completely oblivious to his…

No Heat, No Light

Contrary to expectations and all the advance hype, it was quite a flat, disappointingly ineffective, and weirdly obtuse Republican “debate” hosted by NBC in Florida tonight. That was probably the…

Only in America!

Quite an appropriate theme song by Toby Keith playing at last night’s victory rally in South Carolina… Truly it can be said that “Only in America” could a pompous, selfishly…

Über Mitt!

Mitt Romney gets asked what time it is and responds with a stilted history of watch-making through the ages… Good grief, I didn’t even know there was yet another Republican…

Down & Dirty

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned… This isn’t the first time that Newt’s embittered second wife has emerged in the media to seek revenge for being cheated on…

Fact-Free GOP

The Daily Beast’s John Avalon highlights just two examples of egregious misstatement of fact from last night’s Republican debate. Sadly, this just barely scratches the surface of the staggering shitpile…

Mitt The Ripper

The unaffiliated (definitely not co-ordinating with Stephen Colbert) SuperPAC “Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow” has just released the following advertisement, which logically proposes that if “corporations are people” then…

King of Bain

The complete film by the SuperPAC supporting Newt Gingrich called “When Mitt Romney Came to Town.” It’s quite an artful hatchet job. As expected, the Republican establishment and most of…

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