Akaash Maharaj – Advisory: UNICEF Team Canada and the Campaign Against Childhood HIV-AIDS
No one is more astonished by the results of the International Tent Pegging Championships than we are. My hope for the Championships had been to represent Canada with honour, and…
Copyright Reform and the StatsCan Report
Michael Geist posted about the politics in the debate on copyright reform. The point stems from dissonance between the recent Statistics Canada report and a reform-oriented bill expected to introduce…
Red Party Blues, The Liberals in Crisis? – Akaash Maharaj Podcast
TV Ontario's The Agenda debates the question of how long Stephane Dion and the Liberal Party can, or should, endure the Conservative government's electoral brinksmanship. Steve Paikin moderates, as Professor…
Motivating Anti-IP Activism in Canada
In the scheme of things, few people have the interest (or is it patience?) to delve deeply into the concept of “intellectual property” (IP). I think that is why IP…
Links for 2007-10-04 [del.icio.us]
iTunes & Foreign Language Lesson Podcasts
Water Planet: Leonardo Dicaprio (video)
From http://www.leonardodicaprio.org/
Blog Copies Posts Verbatim and Passes Them Off as Their Own
This is really interesting. Another blog at http://green.bligblog.com copied my post verbatim and claims it as their own with no link back to my site at all anywhere in the…
BC’s Water Selling for $30.00 a bottle in New York
If there ever was a reason for all BC residents to switch permanently to tap water from bottled water take a look at this article showing that New Yorkers are…
Melting in Antarctica
Besides the poor title, “Global Worming” written by the YouTube poster, this is an interesting video on melting ice in Antarctica.
Bill O’Reilly Tells Tony Snow, “You can’t win”
I am still in shock and have been pinching myself to make sure I am awake after watching this O’Reilly video here at the Raw Story. When O’Reilly starts making…
BC Swelters, Sea Levels Rise: Do-Nothing Conservatives Save Money on Icebreakers
Well it’s hot in BC…dam hot. According to CBC, we are setting record breaking temperatures all over the place. Seven all-time temperature highs were set across British Columbia on Wednesday,…
Lou Dobbs Reports on Security Prosperity Partnership/North American Union (video)
This report discusses how Canadians #1 concern with SPP is our water. Moreover, the Star reports today that the, Council of Canadians says it has been banned from holding a…
Terminology Advocates Protect FOSS
Open Source Initiative (OSI) president, Michael Tiemann, discusses adherence to the “open source” definition. I read his article with two interests in mind. First, of someone who feels semantics are…
Power, the People, and the PMO – Akaash Maharaj Podcast
With more than a year of minority government behind us, Steve Paikin and The Agenda assemble a national panel to ask if political power in Canada is still primarily a…
Some Notes on the Canadian Digital Information Strategy Draft
I’ve been reading the draft consultation version of the Canadian Digital Information Strategy. The strategy proposes strengthening content, ensuring its preservation, and maximizing its access and use. These are important…