It isn’t surprising…

… that ‘Status Indians’ face threat of extinction, since the Indian Act was implemented specifically for the purpose of eradicating indigenous peoples and culture. Indian Status was designed to reduce…

It isn’t surprising…

... that 'Status Indians' face threat of extinction, since the Indian Act was implemented specifically for the purpose of eradicating indigenous peoples and culture. Indian Status was designed to reduce…

It isn’t surprising…

… that ‘Status Indians’ face threat of extinction, since the Indian Act was implemented specifically for the purpose of eradicating indigenous peoples and culture. Indian Status was designed to reduce…

Take back the Day

In North America, Mother’s Day was originally a day marked by women’s peace organizations. Mothers whose sons had fought or died on both sides of the American Civil War would…

Take back the Day

In North America, Mother's Day was originally a day marked by women's peace organizations. Mothers whose sons had fought or died on both sides of the American Civil War would…

Take back the Day

In North America, Mother’s Day was originally a day marked by women’s peace organizations. Mothers whose sons had fought or died on both sides of the American Civil War would…

The Power of Poetry

A while back, I posted a poem written by Drew Dillinger. It begins: it’s 3:23 in the morningand I’m awakebecause my great great grandchildrenwon’t let me sleepmy great great grandchildrenask…

The Power of Poetry

A while back, I posted a poem written by Drew Dillinger. It begins:it's 3:23 in the morningand I'm awakebecause my great great grandchildrenwon't let me sleepmy great great grandchildrenask me…

The Power of Poetry

A while back, I posted a poem written by Drew Dillinger. It begins: it’s 3:23 in the morningand I’m awakebecause my great great grandchildrenwon’t let me sleepmy great great grandchildrenask…

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