Impatient for Spring

March 2, 2009 – Impatient for spring and inspired by Mother Earth News, I planted three kinds of lettuce (obtained at Seedy Saturday). Green oak, red deer tongue, and mystery…

Impatient for Spring

March 2, 2009 - Impatient for spring and inspired by Mother Earth News, I planted three kinds of lettuce (obtained at Seedy Saturday). Green oak, red deer tongue, and mystery…

Impatient for Spring

March 2, 2009 – Impatient for spring and inspired by Mother Earth News, I planted three kinds of lettuce (obtained at Seedy Saturday). Green oak, red deer tongue, and mystery…

Kenney vs Velshi

Reading the New York Times’ lexicological take on Canada’s decision to bar British anti-war MP George Galloway from entering our fair land, I’m left wondering about the dynamics in the…

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