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Two for one this week from OperationVic Tory
Two for one this week from OperationVic Tory
We are being asked to believe that the same Harper who had our public servants roaming Canada counting and then reporting to him, on a weekly basis, the number of…
My favorite enabler is Andrew Coyne, because he gets quoted all the time by Progressive Bloggers and always gets a pass as a voice of non partisan conservatism. Re-read Mr.…
But To every piece of sanctimonious, excrement that voted for a conservative candidate, in the last federal election and to all the ignorant, oozing, comedones who claimed that there was…
In preparation for what is expected to be a Polar Bear Xmas, with most likely one of Coca Cola’s largest ad campaigns in a decade, this week the Harper government…
The Tar Sands Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty spoke out today from the APEC conference in Honolulu, introducing plan B for the oil industry’s now shell shocked Canadian subsidiary. With…
Someone is pushing bad shit out there tonight, my busy ER nurse informed me. Apparently seven ODs on a Sunday night is large number at the Credit Valley ER. Patients…
I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve been away for far too long. It looks like my world may have started to change. The long haired freaky occupation. Has been…
I don’t even want to talk about this. You know, it just seems like one of those things. Adding anger to a broken heart is all that it might bring.…
This has become my annual Canada Day post. I thought about creating a new one, last year and again briefly this week, but it seems that I will spend this…
As a followup to the my earlier post about a Wisconsin Federal Judge declaring that the legislation passed by Governor Walker and his sultry crew of union bashing tea baggers…
There is something missing in my TV schedule. The programing is the same but I no longer get that old rush of adrenalin about the 10 and 20 minute marks.…
At the time I thought, hey look at Peace Order or Good Government Eh and I thought it would be okay. However on second thought this might lead to some…
Just read two reviews of the cons budget, one by impolitical (LPC) and one from Accidental Deliberations (NDP) and I am sure there are many more out there. Didn't learn…
With PROBLOGS still in its debut state, this weekend I am actually reading the bloggers that I have pasted in my blog list. Good thing I choose some goods ones.…
From the Progressive: Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi today ruled that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s controversial anti-union law was illegal. “It is necessary to void the legislative actions flowing from…
It could be ten years before the Liberal Party of Canada will again be able to form a government. This is one reality that their membership should consider as they…
This might explain a lot. When I got home from work today, there was a letter from the Liberal Party of Canada in my mailbox, in a fairly large envelope.…
As far as I am concerned the new MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau, is just great and the Cons, Libs and media should fuck off. Who cares if she didn’t campaign,…
First off I would like to say, Bonjour et bienvenue à mes amis du Québec. Unfortunately, such a large number of nationalists joining us all at one time, has forced…