I downloaded this image from Facebook, so thanks to the person…
I downloaded this image from Facebook, so thanks to the person who created it. To anyone not familiar with the skinhead subculture (other than the racist, far right fringe that…
I downloaded this image from Facebook, so thanks to the person who created it. To anyone not familiar with the skinhead subculture (other than the racist, far right fringe that…
Progressive Bloggers / Blogues Progressistes: My blog has been added as an affiliate of Progressive Bloggers / Blogues Progressistes! Check it out!
Parody of the Conservative Economic Ad Scam, by This Hour Has 22 Minutes. The real Economic Action Plan ads and website are pure partisan (and pro-oilsands industry) propaganda, under a…
The great lie of the populist politician - by Don Gillmor, November 23, 2012 : http://www.thestar.com/news/insight/article/1291812—the-great-lie-of-the-populist-politician The linked column is a great summary of the North American tradition of rich...
The below updated lyrics to the Phil Ochs classic “Love Me I’m a Liberal” (click on the Justin Bieber — I mean Trudeau — photo for a Youtube video of…
A claymation version of Ed Broadbent makes a clear and logical 3.5-minute presentation on income inequality and politics in Canada.
Eventually people will have to get it through their heads that cleaner alternative energy isn’t just for tree-hugging hippies. Eventually these energy sources — along with energy conservation, reducing/re-using other…
There are three concepts to describe the positions of individuals in Stephen Harper’s Canada: intelligence, decency and Harper-Conservatism. If a Canadian is intelligent and a Harper-Conservative, that person is not…
“The End of the War Years” by The Fallout from the album Dismantlement (Insurgence Records, 2007) We hold our breath and we wait for some for some good news to…
“Power & The Glory” by Cockney Rejects ———————————————————————————— Those years ago our ships set sail to restore England’s pride. Thousands of blokes like me and you, were on their way…
Buffy Sainte-Marie performs for Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War in 2008.
I’ve never reblogged something before, but this story really impressed me so I had to share. alittlecoconuttart: Occupy Group Buys Consumer Debt And Throws It Away November 10, 2012 By…
Remembrance Day 2012 at Queen’s Park, Toronto This year, since November 11 fell on a Sunday, I managed to attend two Remembrance Day ceremonies at Queen’s Park in Toronto. First…
This is your last chance to submit your comment against the treasonous, anti-worker, anti-environment Canada-China Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement to the Canada Trade Agreements Secretariat. The deadline is…
The Harper Conservatives must really hate Canadian military veterans. The HarperCons seem to prefer that our armed forces members either die in action or commit suicide due to Post-Traumatic Stress…
Fuck you, Stephen Harper : The linked article is a well researched, passionate summary of specific bad deeds that Stephen Harper, Canada’s disgraced prime minister, has committed against his own…
The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy is a book by Yves Engler that was released in September 2012. Here is the official description: “Stephen Harper’s foreign policy documents the…
"The misuse of November 11: How the Harper government exploits Remembrance Day" - by Peter Goffin, November 9, 2012: Excerpts: The greatest trouble with Harper’s Conservatives using Remembrance Day to…
This Youtube link is “War in the East”, a dub reggae-influenced song by Canadian punk band D.O.A. ——————————————————————————————————- I wear a poppy and commemorate Remembrance Day...