Predictable Chaos
Just one day before probably the most important election in Canadian history we have no idea where things are going to end up, it appears the threat of a conservative…
Just one day before probably the most important election in Canadian history we have no idea where things are going to end up, it appears the threat of a conservative…
Peace, Order & Good Government is the title a blog about exactly that, a recent post contained links to some opinion and reports from some individuals well versed in constitutional…
Senator Tommy Banks recently wrote a longish article about the choices we face next Monday, whilst found in at least one place under the misleading title 'Conservative Senator Speaks out'…
It is frustrating listening to all the promises as to what our politicians will do if elected when we cannot even get a clear picture of what they did when…
I think it is sad that the majority of Canadians don't understand the basic workings of their own government. This ignorance speaks to a major failure of the education systems…
I may be totally depressed by the futility of trying to effect change using our first past the post voting system and the total lack of any indication that any…
Just like the harper regime I am going to break my promises and suspend dialog, my intention to document Harpers antidemocratic actions and words over the last few years is…
“Harper’s strategy of refusing to take more than five questions a day from reporters amounts to a gross disservice to the public. Four of the permitted questions (generally two in…
The Rise to Power, In Opposition and Before 2004 – 2006 When the 38th parliament fell in Nov 2005 the mantra from Mr Harper was about bringing in an “Open…
It has been reported this morning that the news media barons have decided that you shall not hear from all the political leaders in any upcoming debate, but that Elizabeth…
Introduction - The next 5 weeks Given the pre election attack ad's put out by the Harper regime we must assume that Mr Harper believes that the past actions of…
The following letter has been recently published at , I do not know Mr Black and can only say that I agree wholeheartedly with him, we must indeed focus…
I have been trying hard to NOT turn this site into an anti Harper Regime rant but it is very difficult given that said regime is constantly providing more ammunition…
That is the date of the first post here at Democracy Under Fire which means that I have now been posing articles and opinions about our Democracy weekly for two…
We are saddened to hear of the passing of James Travers columnist extraordinare, protector of democracy and winner of a National Newspaper Award in 2009 for his column entitled: “The…
With a federal election possibly in the offing in the near future I have been checking up on the actions of my current member of parliament. In doing so I…
“I am no fan of hyperbole. The notion that democracy in a safe, successful, wealthy country like Canada, constitutionally dedicated to “peace, order, and good government,” could be “in peril”…
It was just a little over a year ago that the Conservative regime avoided accountability in the House of Commons by suspending parliament for the second time since coming to…
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right. H.…
It seems that there are still some folks that cannot see the difference between taxpayer funding of political partys by a per vote subsidy and taxpayer funding by tax credits…