Caterpillar, Inc. – A Reprehensible Corporate ‘Citizen’
When I think of caterpillars (which, until recently, I have to admit, has been rarely), I think of a slow-moving yet determined creature on its way to metamorphosis, often into…
When I think of caterpillars (which, until recently, I have to admit, has been rarely), I think of a slow-moving yet determined creature on its way to metamorphosis, often into…
While corporations continue the arduous task of union-busting and contract-gutting, their efforts are being amply rewarded. Not only has a beneficent and ideologically-driven Harper government cossetted them with a record-low…
and some say this is the best the Republicans have to offer in the next election. Recommend this Post
In light of the ongoing dismantling of our industrial base by our corporate ‘masters,’ coupled with the latest reduction in the corporate tax rate engineered by the pseudo-economist Stephen Harper,…
After unilaterally imposing the terms of its last contract offer on its workers, terms of which entail the halving of wages and a substantial reduction in benefits, Electro-Motive Canada, a…
Many of the worst excesses of the age of greed occurred in markets that were anything but free, anything but transparent. Government must be there to clean up markets riven…
Hot on the heels of the Harper government’s capitulation to U.S. Steel in Hamilton, yet another failure by Industry Canada to protect the interests of Canadians is evident in the…
Many thanks to my son for sending this link to a story that may give pause to those who are eager consumers of burgers from McDonald’s. Makes me also wonder…
As is so frequently the case, The Star’s Rick Salutin has written a thoughtful and original piece, this time on some of the factors involved in our increasingly dynamic resistance…
I have long held a very critical view of institutions. Whether they be political, educational, religious, charitable or protective, I believe the effectiveness and integrity of any organization declines with…
Well, here it is, Christmas Eve, and Santa has been rechecking his list, and five have been struck from it. This sad distinction goes to the following, who perhaps can…
In what is emerging as a clear pattern with the Harper government, or, as I like to call them, Canada’s national embarrassment, master puppeteer Harper has essentially told the United…
Couldn’t resist this one. Thanks to Mark-Leiren-Young. Recommend this Post
In yesterday’s post, I railed against the hypocrisy of the Harperites in their efforts to convince us to boycott Chiquita banana over their refusal to use our dirty tarsands oil…
Mine will be, given that the Harper government, aided by by one of its fronts,, has issued a fatwa against the company for its resolve not to use tarsands…
I was getting a little tired of reading what an all-round great guy and giant intellect Christopher Hitchens was, so I found this radio interview with Chris Hedges on the…
For those who might have been concerned that the animus, hatred and paranoia of the Harper government is directed almost exclusively at men, The Star’s Tim Harper sets the record…
Actually, the title of this post was just to get your attention. I would indeed be an unfeeling man were I to wish the minister of Human Resources and Skills…
We live in time when the Harper government seems to be doing everything in its power to persuade Canadians that democracy is meaningless and that we, the citizens, have no…
From the morally and cognitively impaired Florida Family Association comes the following news, news that consumers may wish to bear in mind at this most holy time of the year.…