Profiles in Pusillanimity

Pusillanimous: what a truly elegant way to say “gutless”. I really love that word; sadly, opportunities to use it are few and far between, since “gutless” or “spineless” or “cowardly”…


I guess Karen Handel has never heard about the First Rule of Holes — when you’re in one, stop digging: Karen Handel, the former senior vice president of public policy…

And, also:

Oh yeah — using social media to draw attention to information already in the Public Domain as a response to proposed fascist legislation is EXACTLY like rendering meaningless the votes…

The Ghost of Black Friday Past

Riot gear: what the well-dressed shopper is wearing in Florida these days, courtesy of newly-minted blogger “Left Over”, who also happens to be a long-lost, recently re-discovered meat space friend…

The Turning of the C-30 Screw continues

Although the government appears to be backing off from introducing their intrusive new internet snooping/spying/sticking-their-noses-in-the-citizens’-private-business bill, today Anonymous once again takes to YouTube to speak for angry Canuckistanian web surfers…

Football Season is Over

Devotees of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson‘s manic genius are all too aware of the title’s significance as one of the final banal observations of a shooting star burning out and…

Vic Toews wants a Probe

And I’ve got just the cattle prod for the job. No seriously… after beclowning himself to the point where he’s become an Internet Meme, (no, really) he’s calling for A…

RossK nails it

…on the question of how we should be dealing with Harper and his caucus on the question of state intervention into the most private personal aspects of womens’ lives. Our…

Winning! (Part Duh)

What took you so long, shithead?: A high-ranking official resigned Tuesday from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity after a dispute over whether the group should give…

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