No Washington Post, DO NOT fire Jennifer Rubin
The left needs her. Rubin is so wrong, so misguided, so racist, that she denigrates the right with every word she writes. The disgraced blogger is one of the biggest…
The left needs her. Rubin is so wrong, so misguided, so racist, that she denigrates the right with every word she writes. The disgraced blogger is one of the biggest…
Sophomoric I know, but anytime CNBC gets punked is a good time to me.
With state after state south of the border loosening its laws surrounding the sale and use of pot, and Trudeau’s suggestion of legalizing marijuana, you can bet that the fear…
Thousands were set to gather at Raft Cove Provincial Park due to thousands of dirty fucking hippies expected to visit. Only about 70 people have shown up and already the…
Can’t vouch for the veracity of this video but it is funny as hell. H/t: Dangerous Minds
NOTE: This was one of the most popular posts at the old LFR. A lot has changed after September 2011 when it was written but unfortunately to much idiocy has…
Of course, the Sun is trying to spin this in their favour and look on the bright side. There’s a bright side? Most likely too late for the ‘news’ organization…
Your media revolution never caught the imagination of the public. At least for those under 75. Now that mandatory carriage has been denied, how long before you fade away?
This is a good listen. Think of Canada as ten times as corrupt when it comes to Conservatives steering the conversation their way (think Ethical Oil and Media Party). Talk…
BBC reports that Boston bomb mastermind Tamerlan Tsarnaev used Islam as a convenience for his attack. It appears Tamerlan Tsarnaev was not the devout Muslim he’s been portrayed. He was,…
Marc Weisblott pens the crux of right-wing paranoia and self-deception when it comes to Canada’s media (emphasis mine). The view that much of Canadian journalism is one gigantic anti-Conservative cabal…
I love how Obama does not buy Harper’s bullshit.
It must be all those ‘unreported crimes‘ that are keeping the Conservatives awake at night.
One of the funniest, most profane character actor of all time has died. His Jimmy Serrano of ‘Midnight Run’ never fails to get me laughing. “You and that other dummy…
I haz free speech UPDATE: In light of the controversy ignited by Calgary Herald’s most out-of-touch journo, blaming Vancouver for Kelly Montieth’s death, I thought I’d go back in LFR’s…
I think all the chairs have already been rearranged. I have a sinking feeling the new blood will be no different than the losing hand we’ve already been dealt.
There’s been a boatload of controversy today over the brief airing on Trayvon’s lifeless body as he lay in his obviously high retail – almost preppy – clothes. Most of…
Greg Renouf