Globe & Mail FAIL. Again. Makes international news.
Falls for hoax.
Falls for hoax.
I’ve only got basic cable meaning the only things to watch are sports and news. The latter is relatively new to me because I have stayed away from news shows…
Sometimes it takes a Texan to tell us who the real Canadian heroes are.
They say that good taste is timeless. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than the lack of taste demonstrated on both sides of the border the last few days.…
This picture encapsulates the situation in Washington better than any words could.
Suspicious actions by Toronto’s SIU head. Ian Scott needs to be investigated.
Yeah, Ed Henry is a Fox News ‘reporter’ but as we all know that’s equivalent to the communications director for the Republicans. So, why are the Republicans crumbling? This video…
Well there you have it. Exactly what this GOP hissy fit has been about all along.
Arizona high school teacher suspended for putting on Albee play.
I don’t know what bee flew up Arianna Huffington’s bum but she’s featuring a 3-part smear column from disgraced Niall Ferguson on New York Times’ Paul Krugman. Meanwhile, the morning…
Surprising to some, I suppose. It is not until ages 18 or 19 years that males (52%) and females (48%) are relatively equally represented as perpetrators. Perhaps related to age…
While 80’s youth are generally described as the “me generation,” Hunter S. Thompson had a better term for the Reagan-raised assholes who reigned in the first Bush’s America – Generation…
I have a dislike for CBC’s Toronto-centric, Vancouver-hating NHL coverage that grows with every time I watch it (very rarely anymore). The panel is full of assholes. Then there’s Don…
At 14, I was drafted by the Detroit Red Wings. Hire me. I lie like a motherfucker. Isn’t that what you want, Mr. Harper?
This is democracy? Is it the transparency we were promised? US wingnuts love to call everyone else “thugs.” We only have one group of thugs in our country of which…
I’m a little late to this but the Daily News cover has to be seen to be believed. Can you imagine any Canadian paper performing such sacrilege with Harper, the…
The look on Page’s face says it all.