Jim Parrett
UPDATED: Ethical Oil calls Neil Young ‘IndianIgnorant’
Ezra and crew created the racist hashtag #IndianIgnorant for Neil Young. Then they deleted it when they realized their own racism. This is what we’re up against. It’s not just…
Ethical Oil calls Neil Young ‘Ignorant Indian’
Ezra and crew created the hashtag #ignorantindian for Neil Young. Then they deleted it when people complained. This is what we’re up against. It’s not just Licia Corbella and the…
Richard Sherman was the sportsman; Crabtree the poor sport.
Sherman to Crabtree – “Hell of a game. Hell of a game” with hand extended. Crabtree slapped his hand away.To all you Richard Sherman critics, fuck off. You don’t know…
I hate TV news.
CBC sucks ass. CTV tilts right. CNN is the stuff of comedians. Fox News is fascistic. And then there’s the incompetence and stupidity of MSNBC.
Aren’t there any honest conservatives anymore?
Stephen Harper’s newest fan? Sarah Palin.
Makes perfect sense. The Conservative press must be delirious and distraught at the same time. If I was in the Opposition, this is the fish I’d hook for campaigning. Sarah…
UPDATE: Wanker of the Week: Jim Cuddy. Or, Licia Corbella once again proves why she’s Canada’s Shittiest Journalist.
Jim Cuddy, from the Canadian MOR band Blue Rodeo, called Young’s comparison of the oilsands with Hiroshima extreme. “He’s grossly exaggerating,” Cuddy was reported saying of Young’s comparison of Alberta’s…
Wanker of the Week: Jim Cuddy.
Jim Cuddy, from the Canadian band Blue Rodeo, called Young’s comparison of the oilsands with Hiroshima extreme. “He’s grossly exaggerating,” Cuddy was reported saying of Young’s comparison of Alberta’s oilsands…
Robert Fulford falls flat on his face
Perhaps it’s because he wrote this yellowed, lazy article on a Democratic president in the Conservative press (National Post), so no one will object. Even if it’s based almost solely…
Canada’s response to the Iran nuclear deal – on the wrong side of history. Again.
Canada’s Prime Miniister Netanyahu once again attempted to sabotage the quest for peace with Iran led by Obama and the United States. (And we all know what Netanyahoo thinks of…
Shorter Brian Lilley and Sun Media
Senate scandal. What scandal?
I don’t know about you but I’m beginning to feel a little sorry for the Harper munchkins at the National Post
They have to face facts. The scandals, the Ford meltdown, Harper’s refusal to answer direct questions from the opposition and so much more. Even Harper’s journalistic chauffeur Tasha is scoffing…
Arcade Fire burns out
I grew up in the 60’s. I cannot imagine a band enforcing a dress code. Especially one that requires formal attire. Either this is a joke or the band has…
VIDEO: Rob Ford just assaulted Pam McConnell. Why weren’t the police called?
Bonus Rob Rord buffoonery.
What’s next up for Justin Trudeau? A speaking engagement at a whites-only rally?
Someone who I can’t recall recently admonished me for doubting Trudeau, telling me that he has the very best advisement team behind him. Really? Can you imagine the outrage if…
The whole world is laughing at Toronto. The Harper syndrome in action.
Canadian news media has been all over this but mostly in a polite way. Not so the rest of the world. Even American progressive bloggers – hesitant at the worst…
Calgary: The NAMBLA Convention
Whether he’s there in person or in spirit, the great Kahuna of Kids casts his perverted spell over the Harpbot of Flanagan. Forget Duffy. Put Wallin out of your mind.…