It matters
Just wanted to pick up on a thought in Warren Kinsella's post on the release of the Auditor General's report today: "Lying liars." The Auditor General's report has confirmed what…
Just wanted to pick up on a thought in Warren Kinsella's post on the release of the Auditor General's report today: "Lying liars." The Auditor General's report has confirmed what…
Pop quiz: What do we call paying more money for government services? Mr. Clement said departments are being asked to develop two proposals for cabinet to consider: one that involves…
Let's have some post-budget fun in bleak majority land! Let's compare the Rae and Layton reactions to the budget: "Opposition slams Tories’ ‘groundhog budget’." (Well, some of us look at…
Public hearings continue tonight in the west end of Toronto: 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at the Etobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West Mall. There is a narrow question at…
With thanks to pogge for the blog post title. Meant to describe shorter, list-style blog posts that raise issues in a glancing sense, not a violent one by any means!…
I see some bloggers are a little out of sorts due to Progressive Bloggers being down. They're hitting their blog rolls in lieu of the site. Hey, people? Do you…
Remarkable goings on in Australia: "Australian climate scientists face death threats, cyberbullying." Australia's leading climate change scientists are being targeted by a vicious, unrelenting email campaign that has resulted in…
Updated (Sunday a.m.) below. File under things that might have been inflammatory during a federal election that are now being rolled out and are objectionable. The Canadian military is in…
One of our favourite Senators, Senator Elaine McCoy, is back in the blogosphere after a bit of an absence from her blog, Hullabaloos. Back with some wit on display yesterday…
This piece last Sunday in the Star, "Restraining the welfare state," by Stanford Professor Michael Boskin, a former Bush the first adviser, has evoked a fair response in letters to…
"USC's 21st Century Virtual Classroom": In the spring of 2008, John Katzman, the founder of the Princeton Review, approached the Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program at at the…
OK, Coldplay, I have been known to like you in the past, so I give you a shot here. This does sound like an effort to catch the popular electronic…
(source) (click to enlarge) It breeds disrespect. That reference in the blog post title is to Mr. Harper's government and the actions it has taken which have bred that disrespect…
Today marked the return of Parliament with the election of the new Speaker this afternoon. Life in the Harper majority era is formally beginning. Just want to note a few…
The Globe headline this aft as news comes that one of Harper's most committed partisans is leaving: "Harper loyalist Dimitri Soudas stepping down as PMO spokesman." Termed a loyalist in…
Reported on Sunday in the Guardian: Greenhouse gas emissions increased by a record amount last year, to the highest carbon output in history, putting hopes of holding global warming to…
There are some questions for you today. Lawrence Martin asks: "Are the NDP more Bloc than the Bloc?" Claude Morin has a shopping list of questions along similar lines too.…
Amy Poehler at Hahvad.
(source)A little bit of hope after a tough month. Bob Rae is now officially confirmed as Liberal interim leader. "That means our party has to become, which it has always…
Leadership selection rules are making a bit of a splash on the Conservative scene at the moment. Two MPs, Reid and Kenney, are said to be pushing for a rule…