Ed Hollett

parcnl.ca #nlpoli

If you want your SRBP fix this Wednesday morning check out the Privacy and Access Review Committee hearings at 11:00 AM. They are streaming it live at parcnl.ca. -srbp-

Grassroots #nlpoli

You’ll likely hear a lot of talk from Conservatives over the next few weeks about their “grassroots.”  Trevor Taylor, for one mentioned them twice last week when talking about the…

Criticism #nlpoli

Take a gander at this letter to the editor of Overcast by someone using the name Samuel Wilkes. It’s about a problem in the arts community with criticism. We’re shit…

Sometimes a cigar … #nlpoli

“Fundamentally, the process works,” former Conservative cabinet minister Shawn Skinner said on CBC’s  On Point last weekend.  “It’s been proven in the past.  The party would have been better served…

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