An Accurate Graph of my Response to COVID-19
H/T David Appell
H/T David Appell
Ant Pruitt featured some of my work in the Hands on Photography Podcast! Episode 10
via The Onion
I can’t look away
On the Prowl Dinner
At Trout Lake
Do I have something on my nose?
Sandhill Crane at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary
A very Cold Blue Heron
David Appell on the Green New deal: I wish it was only about carbon without the social welfare proposals, such as (G) ensuring that the Green New Deal mobilization creates…
This sums me up pretty well: I do receive feedback that I express strong opinions. Some people even make that sound like a negative thing. In my networking career, my…
… Maybe I am looking for recommendations on a good WordPress replacement. I am not thrilled with the new post editor and this seems like a good opportunity to learn…
At the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary