Breaking! Ann Coulter Actually Suggests Something Semi-Intelligent!
Yes, I will probably need brain bleach for having suggested the idea, but honestly, I think the she/he devil in a cocktail dress may be on to something here! “I…
Yes, I will probably need brain bleach for having suggested the idea, but honestly, I think the she/he devil in a cocktail dress may be on to something here! “I…
At the time of his death, apparently so. According to his personal assistant, Fred Seaman, Lennon was a ‘closet’ Rethuglican and fan of Ronald Ray-gun. Mr. Seaman also says that…
First, Remember this? If you don’t care to view all of it, it was basically Krista Erikson in her best Harper blue dress berating Montreal dancer and long time cultural…
Here’s another example of financial obscenity. This time, in Europe. Yes, it seems to much for the Eurozone to lead by example. While Greece erupts in riots over spending cuts…
Assuming Stevie Spiteful stays in power, that is, and after watching both the NDP and the Liberals, this week-end, along with Stevie Spiteful’s spin machine in his media, it looks…
I’ve been following the marathon debates on forcing the locked out Canada Post workers back to work on the CBC page live feed since last night and observing the debates…
Remember that gawd awful image below? Is it just me? Or does he really look diabolical? He looks like he’s about to devour that invisible baby. Yes, #gregfultzisacreep, that…
Yep! Stevie is celebrating that the folks around l’Arrondissement de l’Amiante can all rest easy so they can now continue to get cancer and sell cancer for profit! Yay! Chrissy!…
In spades! Betcha Loose Larry Cannon must stamping his widdle feet somewhere. No senate seat; no diplomatic post. Perhaps Stevie is catching enough flack for sending loser Harpercon candidates to…
Quelle surprise! Looks like Canada will be, once again, refusing to vote to add Chrysotile asbestos to the list of hazardous materials to Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention. Once…
I probably shouldn’t be blogging about this asshole, as I’m sure our labour minister, Ms Lisa Raitt would no doubt, find him, well, sexy. However, I’m sure what backward, assinine…
As I’ve mentioned last Thursday, today is the day the UN votes whether or not to include chrysotile asbestos on a list of hazardous products on the Rotterdam Convention. Stevie…
Stupid is as stupid does. My question is: how many married men with families were among the crowd? “Hey honey, I’m going to be late tonight. Just have to burn…
Stevie Spiteful, as you all know by now, boys ‘n’ girls, still refuses to add asbestos to the list of hazardous materials at the Rotterdam Convention. To be specific, as…
I find it quite amusing when blogging supposiTories still hammer on about ADSCAM to this day, and there are many who do, yet they still will not forgive any and…
I’m really convinced our premier has lost it. I’m seriously wondering if he’s on drugs. Sometimes I wonder if we have a need to do things so differently just for…
Yes, indeedy, Stevie Spiteful!! You’ve been a very naughty boy!! And there is somebody, Terri-Jean Bedford, a dominatrix, who announced on a CBC interview, they would like to discipline you…
And if what Mr. Joe Comartin says about you is true, Mr. Irwin Cotler, you’re really no better. However, Mr. Comartin, did you have to ask him to accelerate it…
Before I begin, I tried leaving a comment over at Andrea Mrosek’s latest screed over there just a few minutes ago, and found that I was banned; comment rejected. Oh…
It’s been more than 48 hours since the shooting deaths of forty year old homeless man, Mario Hamel and ventilation specialist, Patrick Limoges at the hands of Montreal’s finest in…