Oh Peggy, Your Anti-Quebec Bias Is Showing!
Peggy Wente first goes into her commentary over Patrick Brazeau and Justin Trudeau’s boxing match last week-end and saying that Justin Trudeau would not be a good leader for the…
Peggy Wente first goes into her commentary over Patrick Brazeau and Justin Trudeau’s boxing match last week-end and saying that Justin Trudeau would not be a good leader for the…
Ol’ Brian is livid, I tell you, boys ‘n’ girls, just livid! He must be still smarting from Justin Trudeau showing Senator Brazeau who’s boss in the boxing ring last…
Boys ‘n’ girls, it seems that that abortion debate is going to be reopened, whether we want it to or not. Yikes! Even certain “progressive” bloggers seem to be taking…
Saulie Zajdel, former Harpercon candidate who ran against Irwin Cotler in Mount-Royal and up until today, James Moore’s “employee” has left under the same cloak of secrecy he was hired…
It is time to start calling the job of Communications director to ol’ Stevie “The wives of Henry the 8th”. Number 6 has just decided to get outta dodge, boys…
Yep, boys ‘n’ girls, the Harpercons have come out with a new shiny thing–an attack ad against the Liberal interim leader, Bob Rae. I guess it’s never too early to…
Boys ‘n’ girls, remember Hunter who always wonders where the feminists are? Well, apparently, her would be crush on Rush is showing these days as she jumps on his bandwagon,…
I honestly had no idea Glenn Beck was still on the air. Wasn’t his show supposed to have been cancelled last December or something? No matter, he’s still passe. And…
It certainly looks that way as the Harpercons and the RCMP turn Canada into a more McArthyesque place to live. Apparently, one Mr. John Allsop became a “person of interest”…
Keep thinking you live in a democracy, dear. What’s happened to my country? I went away for a couple of weeks and all hell broke loose. I came back to…
A Montreal woman, Chantal Dupuis took it upon herself to write the Queen, asking her to fire ol’ Stevie Spiteful and his government. Hell, why not? If as all these…
Indeed! Why the hell did you, Mr. Rae? So it was a Liberal staffer behind the Twitter moniker of vikileaks. So? Glad someone was fighting back. Also, once again,…
Well, Peggy Nash, whatever respect I may have had for you is gone now. And many thought that if she won the leadership, she would steer the NDP further to…
Yes, boys ‘n’ girls, shit keeps coming outta that mouth of his. He, who recently said that it is perfectly ok to use information derived from torture, has done it…
I have to learn to not read funny, ironic things in the news while sipping my coffee or anything else for that matter. It appears that (quelle surprise) the Greek…
Well, I’m sure many Liberals can rest easy, for now–the fetus fetishist, Trifon Haitas, lost the nomination to advertising exec, Grant Gordon last night. There was concern that the Liberals…
After last night’s episode of “Canada Reads”, prominent Quebec attorney, Anne-France Goldwater decided to be really nasty by calling one of the featured authors “a terrorist” and implied that another…
Move over Stephen Woodsworth! Heeere’s Cheryl!! Cheryl Gallant, who often shits where she eats, let’s out a doozy today. In fact, if that’s even possible, she sounded wackier than Michelle…
How low can Pamela Geller sink? The classification of “honour” killing has just become too much of a dog whistle for the bigotted extremes, these days. Pam Geller is running…
Here is a concerned citizen from the Saguenay region, who has taken things further. Mr. Jacques McBrearty has filed a criminal complaint against Senator ‘sell-out’ Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu following his remarks…