Technology, Torture, Voices in the Head … Speaker : DARPA’S NEURO WEAPONRY PROGRAM – James Giordana DARPA’s weapons being tested in non consentual terminal experiments (AMERICAN DARPA – Defense Advanced…
Technology, Torture, Voices in the Head … Speaker : DARPA’S NEURO WEAPONRY PROGRAM – James Giordana DARPA’s weapons being tested in non consentual terminal experiments (AMERICAN DARPA – Defense Advanced…
“Early perpetrators become a scientific and moral elite and form a spiritual engine of biological necessity.”
Technology, Torture, Voices in the Head ... "Early perpetrators become a scientific and moral elite and form a spiritual engine of biological necessity." The smaller genocide develops the technology ,…
MK Ultra Survivor Summit – August 19 to August 25 – Montreal 2020 STOP MK ULTRA NOW ! Project MKUltra or MK-Ultra The illegal human experiment had strong ties to…
Project MK-Ultra Survivor SummitWas from August 19 to August 25 - Montreal 2020 CBC Documentaries - The Fifth State A link to : Allan Memorial Institute Experiments Class Action The…
You won’t be raped ! You might even like it! Do you realize the importance the meaning of a single word? The Orgasmatron: Strange tale of a pleasure implant
The Orgasmatron: Strange tale of a pleasure implantthat is said to "TURN RAPE into ....pleasure" . BBC Future - a Report And" what a difference a single word makes!" Mainly…
Oh, LAWYERS !!! “THE GOLDEN SHIELD” TO THE “HOLLY GRAIL” “The Bunny Patrol’s urgent reminder : ” Canada and USA are one !” “We have your balls! “
Oh, LAWYERS !!! "THE GOLDEN SHIELD" TO THE "HOLLY GRAIL" "The Bunny Patrol's urgent reminder : " Canada and USA are one !""We have your balls! "
Portable Sound weapons? Quebec KFH 808 plate? Criminals in control? MORE COMING SOON…
Criminals in control of red car Quebec KFH 808 plate? Pulsed Energy Projectiles and Portable WeaponsIs it the gang of criminals, rapists ...in "good clothes", in "good jobs" running the…
Who do they work for? Merely a "company"? Merely a case of Former Policy officers going rouge? Really??NO!! Bella Ciao is so proud!! She "works for the governement!!!" No! She…
Standards and Compatibility DO matter (All true even when non regulation is crucial as in White spaces, white times...) Professor Robert Jay Lifton, American, psychiatrist chiefly known for his studies…
Standards and Compatibility DO matter (All true even when non regulation is crucial as in White spaces, white times…) Robert Jay Lifton, American psychiatrist chiefly known for his studies of…
“Early perpetrators become a scientific and moral elite and form a spiritual engine of biological necessity.” “The smaller genocide develops the technology , personnel (medical units), and institutional structure (killing…
"Early perpetrators become a scientific and moral elite and form a spiritual engine of biological necessity." "The smaller genocide develops the technology , personnel (medical units), and institutional structure (killing…
NOTHING TO HIDE? Privacy is the right for the self. Those who steal it from you, either by force, deceipt or any other means, with flawed justifications and abusive power,…