$9,460 for Harper’s haircuts during the G20?
“According to Fraser, the Harper government expensed $9,460 for five “upscale haircuts” for the Prime Minister.” Wow. Update. For more on Harper’s haircut at the G20. Update 2. Oops. The…
“According to Fraser, the Harper government expensed $9,460 for five “upscale haircuts” for the Prime Minister.” Wow. Update. For more on Harper’s haircut at the G20. Update 2. Oops. The…
Yesterday Scott Tribe blogged about the controversial opinions that Marty Burke, Conservative candidate in Guelph, has shared in various letters-to-the-editor in recent years, including: denouncing the war in Afghanistan “a…
Bloggers may or may not recognize the name Harry Tsai, the Conservative candidate in Scarborough-Agincourt. He seems to engage in a practice that bloggers universally despise — comment-spamming.So, for example,…
Frodo destroys the ring. March 25, 3019 (S.R. 1419)The Harper government falls. March 25, 2011.
Dale Saip, the Conservative candidate in Delta-Richmond East has some explaining to do!(ht: BCL)
In 2005, right-wing bloviator and professional Islamophobe Mark Steyn wrote an article for the Jewish World Review with the title ("U.S. can sit back and watch Europe implode"), which adumbrated…
In today's speech celebrating his five years as Prime Minister, Stephen Harper is reported to have said: “We are in this minority government. We haven’t been able to pass what…
Big City Liberal has uncovered some shocking details from Santa's past. Now, at over at Bumblepigs there are pictures about what Santa is up to now, including stealing your beer:
An amazing visualization of the world's economic progress over the last two centuries:
Apparently not that many, according to the studies on Canadian use of American Health Care.
Over at The Disaffected Lib you can find a first rate take-down of wind-power opponents, including Progressive Blogger's own Wind-Concern Ontario. The problem, as Disaffected points out, is the single-mindedness…
In light of the recent news that the enough NDP MPs will be voting against the Conservative attempt to end the gun registry, I wonder how Harper feels about his…
Over at Free Dominion -- which puts the 'dumb' back in Dominion -- there's another apology for Richard Warman. More to come in due course, I'd guess.h/t
What next?Christian Groups: Biblical Armageddon Must Be Taught Alongside Global Warming