The World Famous Dan Shields calls Bullshit on Anonymous comments:
I allow anonymous comments on my blog, because there are rare times when someone has a legitimate reason for concealing their identity. However, I do consider those who blindly criticise or attack behind the veil of anonymity to be cowards, and I will continue to call them such in this blog. If you don’t care enough about what you are saying to sign your name to it, perhaps you should reconsider saying it in the first place.
— EDIT —
I should clarify: I’m not talking about those who choose to post here with their online identity as opposed to their real name. I welcome comments from people like The Rat ( We construct online identities that are as real (sometimes more real) than our IRL identities. Those who are protecting themselves from identify theft or from bosses/coworkers or friends/spouses have legitimate reasons for doing so. But at least they have an online identity that they use. “The Rat” and his online identity is as meaningful as anything he may have in real life, and I respect his right to have those split identities.
What I don’t support is those who choose criticise from the safety of complete anonymity. They give no indication as to their background, beliefs or purpose. They snipe from the shadows and expect to be taken seriously. It is disrespectful to attack someone’s opinions and not have the guts to stand publicly by your comments.
If you don’t like it, don’t post here.