Greta’s not happy with Tucker because the latter’s blog featured a mysogenic post, which quoted Mike Tyson saying sexual things about Greta’s BFF Sarah Palin. Greta is right to call out both Tyson for his remarks and the Daily Caller for so readily reporting them.
But did she have to do it by throwing in insults against the left? Tucker and the Daily Caller are at fault here, not the left. Daily Caller’s response isn’t much better, adding the following left-bashing warning about the post:
Editor’s note: Many of the quotes in this story are offensive, indeed repulsive, and not suitable for younger readers or those who are easily shocked. They are also newsworthy. Had Tyson used this language to attack virtually any other person in public life, he’d be vilified on the front page of the New York Times. But you won’t read these quotes in the Times. We believe they deserve public scrutiny and condemnation.
What the New York Times has to do with this matter I don’t know. But we do know the right will use any excuse to bash the left, especially when they’ve been bad boys and girls.
It gives one pause that neither Greta nor Tucker have bothered to be bothered about Andrew Breitbart’s call to violence against the left. I doubt neither has been put out of place by the racist and sexist portrait given to Michelle Obama by the right. Or the sexist drivel about Nancy Pelosi. No, but when a blog reports on something the appalling Mr. Tyson has to say about Sarah Palin, all hell breaks loose in the Van Susteren household:
The Fox News host has never publicly disclosed the role her husband had in advising Palin and reportedly helping to run her PAC.
The right and the woe-is-me shtick is getting old. They just keep doubling down. I love a cat fight among the right’s elite but this is just pitiful. Note to Greta and Tucker: don’t use every rightist’s FAIL as a cue to attack progressives. You just look like fools.