“believe me, the only reason the photo is available is because I WANTED IT OUT THERE…. actually it is quite a flattering photo of me: With finger cocked and pointing, I say “And I gotta take out these idiots!”
After two decades of issuing on-line threats Montreal’s Dennis Marcuze, better known by his internet handle ‘David Mabus’, has been apprehended by police. You may have heard of this evangelical bully who has made a career of threatening atheists, especially PZ Myers of the popular science blog Pharyngula.
MONTREAL – Montreal police say they’ve made an arrest in a case involving alleged threats made for nearly 20 years against atheists and secular scientists around the world.
In a curt news release, they say they’ve arrested a suspect but have few other details.
Police started investigating the online activity of a Montreal man following a deluge of complaints from around the world about his alleged habit of threatening people online.
More than 3,000 people signed a petition calling on police to investigate reports of death threats against atheists and secularists.
Some people allegedly being threatened said the Montrealer, who goes by the online moniker “David Mabus” among a number pseudonyms, has been at it for nearly two decades.
Cross posted at Sister Sage’s Musings.