I’m Sure Mme Turmel Expects Nothing Less

Well, what do we have here? Some Harpercons along with Timmy Powers, warning that Nycole Turmel will be “no 1 target” of her political opponents.

“She will find herself under scrutiny, and already has, for her past support of the Bloc Québécois. The NDP is vulnerable on issues of separatist accommodation and she might become the number one target of her opponents,” Conservative pundit Tim Powers told The Hill Times. “The longer Mr. Layton is out the more worried and anxious I think it will make his team.”

Typical Harpercons and their cheerleaders–they pick and choose what they want to highlight. They, of course, don’t pay attention to who else PSAC endorsed in the 2006 election. They also endorsed some Liberal and NDP candidates as well, including Paul Dewar of Ottawa Center.  But, hey! Why focus on those endorsements, when they’re not as sexy as Bloc candidates?

I understand that for political junkies like myself, it can be fun to speculate, but let’s give Mme Turmel a chance.   Right now, it is the barbecue season with constituents; a time where MPs and leaders attend fundraisers, corn roasts and other such events across the country.  I understand Mme Turmel is going to be doing some travelling to get herself acquainted as well as to reassure constituents that the NDP is still in good shape.  Why not give her a chance?

As for the Harpercons and their cheerleaders like Timmy Powers, I think we kinda all expected that they would a) pounce on Mme Turmel for whatever reasons they can cook up and B) take advantage of Jack Layton’s situation.  Also, there is another way of looking at this. Since Stevie Spiteful has proven that he will remain on a campaign mode, despite having his precious majority, he may well just show himself up for the misogynist that he is, by showing hostility toward a female leader, no matter whether she is interim or permanent and no matter what her CV is compromised of.

All that said, I do expect Mme Turmel and Bob Rae to provide opposition and use whatever tools they have at their disposal. I know it’s a majority government led by a dictating control freak with a “my way or the highway” tea-bagging attitude, but there is no reason to make it easy for him.

Bonne Chance, Mme Turmel!

By ck

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes