We know that Hugh McFadyen and some of his supporters think that issue of crime is a game, a ball to be taken out every once an awhile and played with. Used to suit their own personal agenda.
Going back to their wildy successful 2007 campaign, we had McFadyen and his accolytes with gems such as, “The Revolving Door” and “Doer didn’t do it“.
Then most recently we had them rolling snake eyes with their bastardization of Monopoly.
Then just yesterday we had Team McFadyen candidates Mike Brown and Rochelle Squires (photo above) actually dressing up in mock prison uniforms and playing their little game out along Corydon Avenue.
Then, today, we once again have Team McFadyen candidate Ian Rab playing twitter sock puppet for the Winnipeg Scum.
Three tweets in a matter of two minutes promoting the cherry picking of Statistics Canada data.
Ian, Hugh, Rochelle, others.
Let me be clear.
Crime is down, has been going down for years and all of yer posing, posturing, ridicule and juvenille antics will have no effect one way or the other.
I remember having a gun pointed between my eyes and some drunken fool trying to rob me of the pizza I was delivering. When the ordeal ended, did I blame Sterling Lyon or Pierre Trudeau?
When my pizza car was stolen and I chased the thief as he drove away, when I was trying to catch my breath and light a cigarette, did I blame Sterling Lyon or Joe Clark?
The drivers side window on my shiny new Mustang GT was broken on no less than four seperate occassions in a six month time period, did I blame Gary Filmon or Brian Mulroney?
When that stupid Taurus was rifled through on a regular basis while parked out back of our house on Grosvenor, did I blame Gary Filmon or Jean Chretien?
No, no, no, no, no, no, and no.
I put the blame where it belonged, on the morons who caused my the grief.
Crime is a complex beastie. Part opportunity, part disenfranchinsement, part fear, part lust, part stupidity.
While this government has provided resources and Legislation to address crime; from prevention to protection and prosecution – no matter how many resources are thrown at the problem, it will always be with us.
This government has provided extra funding for 261 additional police officers and 58 Prosecuters.
This government has provided much more funding for youth at risl programs, education and prevention.
The results are clear, crime is down in Manitoba and some of that drop is attrubtable to the actions of this government.
Given that McFadyen is committed to balancing the Budget on a year-over basis, and has targetted Health Care, Police Services, Corrections and Community services for $450 Million in cuts – just how can we be expected to believe that given the chance, you would be able to reduce crime even more than this government already has?
What are you going to do, dress up in hoodies and baggie pants? Give a little hip-hop gang sign routine?
Hugh, Ian, Rochelle, your trivialization of what can be a deeply personal issue is disrespectful of those that have been on the receiving end of criminal activity.
Regardless. Given that most people have the common sense to blame the thief, the crook, the actual criminal for the crime, instead of the government – well, you just keep on barkin up that tree.