Join us for the second Executive meeting of the Socialist Party of Ontario.

All members of the party are welcome and have the right to attend and to participate fully in the debates and discussions.

This will held Sunday, July 24th
Doors open 1 p.m.
The 519 Community Centre
519 Church St.
Toronto, Ont.

Observers are also welcome.

Party members who cannot attend in person, but who would like to participate will be able to do so via the internet. If this is the case, please email us at for details and to obtain a password. Apologies but this service is only available to registered members of the SPO.

On the agenda will be:
Executive Reports
Reports from the committees
Reports on Newly Formed Riding Associations and Campus Clubs
Getting our Party Councils Running
Proposals for Addition to the Platform at the Pre-Election Policy Assembly
Reports on Strategy in the Upcoming Provincial Election
Political Discussion/History (Subject/Speaker TBA)
New Business
(The official agenda will be posted prior to the event)

Everyone’s input and perspective will be heard and is welcome.

This is your party and it needs your ideas.

There is no charge to attend or participate.

There are three vacant positions on the Executive that will be open for election at the meeting, the positions of Membership Secretary, Disability Coordinator and Aboriginal/First Nations Coordinator. If you are interested in seeking one of the offices please email us at
to announce your intention. You need not be at the meeting to seek office as long as you are a party member.

The requirements and duties of these offices, as well as of the Executive in general can be found in our Constitution which can be found at:

For further information please email us or call 416-452-8446

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