September 2024

Puzzling But Instructive

My three-year-old granddaughter has developed a fondness for jigsaw puzzles, usually of the 48-piece variety designated for children. Given my own spatial limitations, I have worked slowly with her on…

Woke is Right.

So what does woke mean anyway ? Accepting people for who they are. Allowing people to love who they love and marry who they love. Allowing women (and men) control…

Never Forget

This is the Kapishter Family. They were on their way home from a camping holiday for Ethan’s 5th birthday on October 7th. Hamas slaughtered them. 5 year old Ethan was…

Groupthink Abounds

“I don’t know what we’re fighting for. Not even a clue. I just want to go home.’’“Starting a war is very easy. But to finish it — try that.’’“This whole…

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