June 2023

Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Michael Marshall discusses the growing body of knowledge about the persistence of long COVID – with people still suffering symptoms after a year…

Collision Day 2

I’m back at Collision Conference for another day of finding startups doing good in the world. Let’s see what today brings. Ensogo provides a system for teams to track and…

Legal Tweet of the Day: June 29, 2023

#LegalTweetoftheDay: Fringe mayoral candidate Xiao Hua Gong wants a recount, despite losing by more than a quarter of a million votes #law #legal #lawtwitter via @TorontoStar https://tinyurl.com/5n8dumnb – Garry J.…

Covid or Cov-AIDS??

I wrote about concerns about the similarity between SARS-2 and AIDS back in November: Here’s info on Covid causing lymphopenia (aka lymphocytopenia), the reduction of B, T, and NK cells…

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