May 2023

Hero to zero

David Johnston is the literal embodiment of the notion that it can take you a lifetime to build up a fine reputation, but just one day to utterly destroy it.…

Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Antoine Flahault et al. offer a reminder that we can’t afford to be complacent about an ongoing COVID pandemic which continues to…

Legal Tweet of the Day: May 23, 2023

#LegalTweetoftheDay: ‘Game changer’: Ontario engineers remove Canadian work experience requirement for immigrants #law #legal #lawtwitter via @TorontoStar – Garry J. Wise, Toronto Visit our Toronto Law Office website:…

On Prosocial Cuing

Saving another thread from twitter, this time it’s a really short one from Dr. Lisa Iannattone: “I’m a little confused at the ‘making people feel bad about how their choices…

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