May 2023

Thursday Afternoon Links

This and that for your Thursday reading. – David Wallace-Wells writes that the U.S.’ neoliberal political consensus may finally have dissolved – though that possibility is of little comfort when…

Fires? What Fires?

It’s funny. Also sad, because it’s so believable. Smoke over Calgary and Regina. — John Klein (@JohnKleinRegina) May 22, 2023

Legal Tweet of the Day: May 25, 2023

#LegalTweetoftheDay: ‘Your whole life on hold’: As feds fail to fill judicial vacancies, Ontarians are waiting years for civil hearings #law #legal #lawtwitter via @TorontoStar – Garry J. Wise,…

To Live In Ignorance

I am beginning to think that those who travel to Florida to live or play are either living in ignorance or engaged in some sort of massive cognitive dissonance. How…

Bonnie Crombie

Bonnie Crombie — the mayor of Mississauga — wants to lead the Liberal Party of Ontario. Martin Regg Cohn writes: Crombie made big news last week as the mighty mayor…

The Need to Grow

When I taught civics and we discussed Canada’s immigration policy, that we typically take in about 250,000 newcomers each year, but over 600,000 apply, many students would suggest we need…

Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Emmett Macfarlane discusses how the stakes in Alberta’s election are no less than democracy and the rule of law – as Danielle Smith…

Legal Tweet of the Day: May 24, 2023

#LegalTweetoftheDay: Largest LGBTQ group in U.S. warns about travel to Florida #law #legal #lawtwitter via @CBCNews – Garry J. Wise, Toronto Visit our Toronto Law Office website: Visit…

Psst! Got Any Extra Kerosene?

I know of a state that would gladly accept your contribution. And should presidential-hopeful DeSantis secure the high office, expect conflagrations throughout The ‘Union’ that will rival their worst wildfires.…

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