January 2023

Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Jessica Wildfire discusses how the U.S. and Canada are following the UK’s healthcare collapse due to a combination of public health negligence and…

I am vindicated

Like I’ve said for months: Anyone who is (a) sane (b) of voting age (c) in Canada doesn’t like either Trudeau or Poilievre. The federal choices suck. Worst ever. From…

The Clear Future.

As a child, I spent many hours at the windows of inter-city trains in Ontario. When the trip included Toronto’s Union Station, I would be particularly excited. The vast dome…


It’s a new year. I’ve been blogging for over 21 years now. Sudden writer’s block at 83,000 words. Tempted to just write “and they we were all killed by a…

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