February 2022

‘Til death we do art

Did this one today, in the colors of Ukraine’s flag. Art protest. pic.twitter.com/XRg7k9Kat4 — Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) February 24, 2022 The post ‘Til death we do art first appeared on…

This morning

Fascism is the ideology of murder. Putin is a fascist. — Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) February 24, 2022 The post This morning first appeared on Warren Kinsella.

Not Just Vile

Vladimir Putin has gone to war with Ukraine. In the United States, right-wing pundits and politicians are lining up with Putin. Max Boot writes: Tucker Carlson has become Putin’s No.…

Wild Fruits

When he died of tuberculosis in his mother’s home, in 1862, 44-year-old Henry David Thoreau had already made his mark on the world with the publication of several books and…

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