January 2022


One step forward and two steps backward. When it comes to COVID, that’s the pattern. Ontario is once again repeating that pattern. Bruce Arthur writes: Four days after the chief…

On voluntary efforts

The past few days have seen the emergence of an effort to build up self-reporting capacity to fill in where provincial governments are choosing to be wilfully blind to COVID…

Rumours of Coups

I’m getting weary of the recent deluge of articles and op-eds about secessionism in America, nascent civil war, violent unrest. Then I came across a piece in today’s Guardian written…

The Buffalo Commons

In a world riveted to violent natural catastrophes – hurricanes and tornadoes, floods and droughts, heatwaves and wildfires – slower moving calamities are easily overlooked. Canadians don’t dwell on the…

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – CTV reports on Alberta Health Services’ recognition that tens of thousands of the province’s residents project to suffer from long COVID. Alex McKeen…

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