December 2021

Friday Afternoon Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Alejandro Jadad studies the social murder traceable to politicians’ flawed responses to COVID-19 and other known causes of sickness and death, while Tara…

China in the world

Xi Jinping visits a housing project near Luanda, the capital of Angola, constructed by a Chinese company, November 2010. Photo courtesy Xinhua News Agency. China’s position in the world system…

Utterly Toothless

Given the damning report by the auditor general that the Public Heath Agency of Canada did a profoundly incompetent job of tracking travellers assigned to quarantine hotels earlier this year,…

We Lack The Will

David Suzuki writes that episodes of mass extinction are nothing new: The fossil record indicates five mass extinction episodes have occurred, defined by disappearance of more than 75 per cent…

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