October 2021

Saturday Morning Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – The Globe and Mail’s editorial board discusses the need to consider whether to lift public health measures with care rather than stubborn anti-social…

Insufferable Arrogance

Justin continues to step into it. On Canada’s National Day of Reconciliation, he took a holiday. Susan Delacourt writes: Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was never supposed…

We Wuz Robbed

The real losers in the federal election were the people of Canada. The Tyee takes a look at how the election would have turned out if, instead of the rigged…

Need a Laugh?

I got a chuckle from a Guardian article about the woes besetting the people of Rome. It comes down to garbage (uncollected), crowds (late night revellers), congestion and crime. Nothing…

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Anand Giridharadas writes about the dangers of letting political discussions become primarily a matter of process and personalities, rather than the real impact…

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