October 2021

Tweet of the Day: October 5, 2021

#LegalTweetoftheDay: Racist Calgary mayoral candidate gets 18 months jail time for violating Ontario judge’s hate speech order via @CBCNews – Garry J. Wise, Toronto Visit our Toronto Law Office website:…

Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Nazeem Muhajarine and Kathryn Green call out Scott Moe’s Saskatchewan Party government for causing readily-preventable suffering and death – both from COVID-19…

It Is Better

Lauren Boebert is a Republican star. She displays the loud and hypocritical stupidity which is the calling card of the modern Republican Party. Max Boot writes: Is there a purer,…

Shining Evil

It’s nice to see evidence of our rulers taking time to invest for their declining years. The prime minister of Czechosolvakia, for example, used offshore companies to (secretly)buy a 13…

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Paul Nuki, Jennifer Rigby and Anne Gulland write about the refusal to acknowledge the airborne spread of COVID-19 which led to a continuing…

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